Jayapura agarwood

Jayapura agarwood

Jayapura agarwood is derived from a city named Jayapura located in Papua state in Indonesia.

It has quite good popularity in Gulf countries, especially in Saudi Arabia. The agarwood chips have a light brown color and come in different size between small and medium.

The Jayapura is of the finest agarwood and has a smoothly light aroma that lasts for a long time.


Jayapura Agarwood
Jayapura Agarwood originates from the city of Jayapura in the Papua state of Indonesia. It enjoys considerable popularity in Gulf countries, particularly in Saudi Arabia. Characterized by light brown chips ranging in size from small to medium, Jayapura Agarwood is renowned for its superior quality and enduring light aroma.

Jayapura Agarwood Incense
In Jayapura, Oud incense is commonly used in various settings such as guest receptions, offices, wedding halls, and mosques. Users often describe a profound sense of spirituality, especially during the revered month of Ramadan. This incense has garnered widespread acclaim across the Gulf region.

Types of Jayapura Agarwood
Jayapura Agarwood is available in three grades: double super agarwood, triple super agarwood, and the rare old wild agarwood, which is prized for its exceptional quality but is challenging to procure.

Jayapura agarwood is generally affordable for most consumers, with the exception of the old wild grade, which commands a higher price due to its rarity and superior quality.


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